As part of the continued growth and commitment to quality, Criterion uses the following programming software packages: MasterCam® CAM Software, Solidworks®, Autodesk Partmaker and PC-DMIS CMM Software.

MasterCam® software (CAM = Computer Aided Manufacturing) is able to import to machine all major brands of CAD systems: Catia, ACIS, IGES, DXF, VDA-FS, Parasolids, SolidEdge Files & SolidWorks Files.
The software, by means of animation, moves the part through the entire machining process to an image of the exact part. This capability allows for changes and adjustments to be made prior to cutting any material. The file when complete and approved is loaded into the machine.
Criterion machinists, using MasterCam®, can now view parts from the file stage to the completed part stage. This capability translates to machining and producing parts with shorter production times and less scrap.

Solidworks® software helps to boost our productivity. Solidworks® tools enable Criterion to use your 3D models to bring processes together so you can get products completed faster and delivered on-time.
Autodesk PartMaker® is used at Criterion for our Swiss lathes and supports our Swiss programmers.
The precision programming capabilities of Partmaker® gives our Swiss programmers the fine control over our machines and provides clarity during the programming of turning with live tooling.

PC-DMIS CMM Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM) Software is used in Criterion’s Inspection department. Our inspectors use its powerful capabilities to measure everything from simple parts to the most complex aerospace and medical device components.
PC-DMIS CMM allows our Inspection department to use CAD models in the inspection process and digitally simulate measurement in an offline virtual CMM environment to easily align complex, contoured parts using iterative alignment technology.